Definitly Transformers... I love how all the robots end up at the end.. And the song owns.
You might want to rethink the order of your clips for this song, but awesome, none the least.
Just got it today. Two words. Super epic. ^^ Even possible?? Anyway, I had a bunch of fun.
Lets lul together... Right now... Oh em gee. Nice, very nice find :P:P (L)
Two words. Pi mp. Also, the size for desktop is the same size as 'the glowing effect'
Drawingman gotz loyalz?!? :O Congratz... Anyway, I think this is really cool. No life, nerd, sure, I agree, but dang, for cardboard, tape, and...
Don't forget about mine! That makes 3!! I mean...2!!
Can I add my own love to my profile? *Takes huge dump* *Watches it harden*
Nothing much. I have 3 maps that are in testing stage. Why havent u been on?
Loney Poney's!!!!! The colors are so beautiful, the text just stands out, and I love the background color.!!! DAMN!
Stop! we only need ONE person to tell him he needs pics.
Very very epic. Hmm.. I think I need like 1040 by something.. Can't remember. But next size down. That one is two big for my laptop. Thanks again....
Very cool. Could you possibly gradient the background from that blue (Bottom) to a white? And add ' Ryan ' Somwhere on it? Thanks.
[IMG] This is my first one. I will edit with more :\
Like, a solid red? THIS COLOR???
I am gimp teh mastar. :\ ya know what?!?!!? You should. and mke it desktop size!!
That's very pretty. Want a challenge maybe?? :\ Think you could try making me a desktop like this - Flickr Photo Download: vector flying a kite
I believe CakeChart was refferring to your first post, and he didn't read any of the others :\