Why you warned?
Baby, whats up!?!!! Welcome back.. Ya missed a lot of things. New loyalz an all. Lol, welcome.
Lol i win.
As do you!
Yay loyal party!
Needs moar interlocking, 4/5 : P I really liked playting this with you last night? No pics of me? WTF!? Seriously tho, awesome map.
You know how you select your brush/text. And the little window on the gimp dialog pops up. Under the scroll bar, click a little paintrush/ letter...
What time zone? + w/e.?
Your missing a step then... You made a new folder, right? Don't you want them to to be opened in Gimp?
Does it matter? Idc. I'll take it if you don't want it.
YAYAYAYAYA *Jumps for joy* Im as giddy as a little school girl! Thanks Iv0ry!
text [\url]
[url=blahblahlinkblahblah] TEXT [/url] ......
[][][][][][][][][][] <-- brackets
Epic win. Stop winning.. start... losing... you... loser
[IMG] Took me 2 hours. I don't think it has a chance, we'll see. Check out my new Avvy!!
Still have room? I'll join, if so. Ya know me, LOL zombie, yeaahh.
Watch the vid.
1st one is okay, second one socks big monkey bawlz!