Just save and quit or delete and replace the object. I've had that problem before, once I had a block turn nearly totally black but when I...
Do you seriously believe that MLG Pros warm up in a special map before playing a proper game like footballers do warm up exercises on the pitch...
You actually use the star rating system? If you like a map then download it, give it a good rating on Bnet and leave some comments in the thread!...
Turn the controller upside down, close one eye, play with oven gloves on, use the elastic band boosting method on the controller you are using....
Can people please avoid posting if all they have to say is "BR sucks" or "AR is for n00bs". This is not a flame war and I'd actually like more...
I'm going to stick with the proper icons. They are the right size and have transparency, unlike yours. Edit: OK, the ones Fishfingers posted are...
What a poorly constructed argument. Infact, most of your post is a poorly constructed argument. Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely disagreeing...
I loved playing on this map. One of things many people forget when buidling maps for Atlas is their map isn't going to be in its own playlist,...
Don't be rude. Not "Finally". I edited the post before you sent me that message and probably before your post in this thread! The turret issue,...
The Point-of-View gun? I don't remember that. I read the book 4 years ago and watched the film when it was on TV, so I may have missed some parts....
Perhaps do a search before creating a new thread next time.
If its so uncommon then it would have been sensible to explain what the man cannon trick actually is.
Barricades are movable. So are small blocks (with a vehicle). Mk 2 of Version 1 is up. See the first page. I'm going to make more weapon changes...
Gee, I don;t know whether to thank you for the complement or hate you for insulting me and calling me a "fckin retard idiot". Go check the...
Stupid logic for a stupid thread. "No evidence to suggest he's not black therefore he is black." "No evidence to suggest he's not coin operated,...
Has anyone got any suggestions for the best place to preorder ODST in the UK? The cheapest I've seen is Asda (£37.91) but they won't deliver until...
Halo 3's mutliplayer makes the most of what the Xbox 360 has to offer so you can do more things which you couldn't do in Halo 2. Plus, Halo 3 has...
Looks quite good so far but you will run in to budget problems. I think OctoDeath mentioned not having enough budget to add ceilings on the bases...
Nice idea, although Deep Thought is a big as a small city! Deep Thought's design is open to interpretation though, in the book Adam's doesn't...
I've mainly being changing the weapons for an updated version. The layout was already semi symmetrical so I decided to make the weapon layout more...