Benji, you quoted a paragraph about Citadel to back up your claim that Heretic is tiny. Cold Storage is probably a good map to compare Citadel...
There was one which listed every matchmaking gametype and a link to download it. Unfortunately, it became out date, files were moved and the links...
Really? I've never really used Cups in my maps and haven't played around with them much. I found that the stopped vehicles (or slowed them down),...
I really liked this map and I was really happy to see you didn't leave the Run Time Max = Number on map. There are 2 things which let this map...
Links to show people what you're talking about are always nice. Lightsout225 posted some Halo Legends posters he got from Comic-con...
It gets really annoying when people review the intelocking rather than the maps itself. I think it looks like a reat asymmetrical map, which are...
Erm... no. Firefight and Forge aren't even on the same disc and I'm sure Bungie has said several times that there will be no option to add AI....
Halo Legends is real? I saw something about it a month or two ago but there was so little info on it I assumed it was some ones attempt at a fan...
...wait, so instead of making a thread requesting help on how to put more items on a map, you made a thread requesting help on where to post the...
OK, well you don't need to make a new thread to discuss the same thing just because I said I find Jumping/Obstacle course maps dull in this one....
....I read that and couldn't help thinking "This game sounds dumb enough to put on the Wii". I'm not sure which I'd rather not play. Cops +...
Haha! That'll really persuade Shishka! Yes, Conquest is one of the best custom gametypes (in terms of how quickly you can grasp whats going on,...
3 new maps So, what have been up to since my last map was posted? I've been working on some other maps as possible Atlas submissions!...
How to make a nice map: Don't make it for Cops and Robbers. RPGs in FPSs don't work. The reason you haven't seen any good Cops and Robbers maps...
You can't. The only way you could set up a route using gametype points would be in VIP or Juggernaut. It can't be done in Territories. The closest...
Halo 3 has been out for nearly 2 years. Guides are not that hard to find. You might as well have copied and pasted from some other site. Besides,...
Put simply: no. That is a draw back with grav lift switches, after 3 minutes all the grav lifts will have spawned. This isn't too bad for games...
Just stop going on about Recon armour, Winner. Yes, Citadel does have a skull. There's an achoevement for getting the skull, all the Mythic maps...
I think Forging on Longshore might be like Last Resort, but with immovable objects. Like those maps which have the base blocked in, I'm sure...