I doubt it. They're being made by some of the greatest film makers anime has to offer, I guess they don't come cheap. I mean, we even have to pay...
Oh NO! ODST iz a Halo 3 killer! Forgehubs are doomd!
*facepalm* Seriously? a global release date of 22nd September and you thought we already had it 3 weeks earlier? All the Amazon websites say that...
I'll probably end up using DMMW, except thats harder to say than my Halo 3 tag... Dvid or Davd or something like that.
The Reach Beta isn't a code. Its on the disc. There's a bit in the main menu which is labelled "Extras" but it'll be greyed out until next year....
I don't think Bungie is in charge of the discs... and most discs do scratch fairly easily, thats why they tell you to keep them in their cases....
I just remade a wall which stretches across a large portion of Avalanche, this method is so easy! I wish some one found it sooner!
No. freakin'. way. That is awesome! I'm going to rebuild the wall on my Avalanche map!
Every map must have at least one of each objective item. For CTF this means 2 flag spawns (1 for attackers, 1 for defenders) and 2 flag return...
They're also not official. They're leaks.
Hammer, yes. Sword... I was listening to the latest podcast and they were talking about swords and hammers and they never said there wouldn't be...
LOL at your "screenshot"!! I'm quite relieved that youw ere talking about Hunter classes, not ODST Firefight classes.
Have you not seen how high players can get in Grifball? Sometimes the bomb carrier can be hammered to the soft ceiling on Foundry so getting on...
GRRR, I am so angry because I clearly only bought ODST so I could play on 3 more maps in Halo 3 multiplayer! It makes me mad that I had to pay so...
I'd just say "No." but that doesn't pass the minimum character limit. No, once they're gone from your Recent Games list, they're gone.
All the custom content is saved to the hard drive. As far as I know, ODST will use the same files on the hard drive so instead of having 2 copies...
I got it to work first time, its brilliant! I've probably stick to the usual method for most merging but this way is much better for those...
Yeah, definately delete Halo 3 and we can all delete the DLC maps when we get ODST because they'll be on the disc.
Well if you're going to get ODST, don't bother getting a new copy of Halo 3. Also, don't save Halo 3 to your hard drive. Bungie already added a...
Woah... I'll be watching this thread closely!