I'm pretty sure its a mod. I don't have it *ahem*, it is definately not on my console. If its the one I'm thinking of, then yes, it is FFA Forge...
I don't think it even needs to be the same difficulty. I only found each audio file once and got the achievement, I started several new games...
No pics, no clicks. Keep it clean.
...ouch. No screenshots? No map descriptions? Spelling mistakes and leet MS Paint skillz?
...a big scam? I'm sorry, but that's business. That's the real world.
I guess that's as close to a "thank you" as I'm going to get.
998 rockets, I guess it already has 2 loaded.. thats 1000 rockets each! Nice! I wish I hadn't broken my wrist. :(
Well its nice to know you can't be asked to solve a simple problem. So I guess we don't need to tell you it is as simple as going to your...
*head desk* I said this would happen. Forums would start to be flooded with people who don't realise that to get Recon you need to activate it on...
Its not that simple, padres. If its like on Avalanche or Blackout then just place the boxes where you want them, save and quit. If they're the...
Same problem here. I found all the clues but didn't get the achievement. I think the only way to get it is to start a new campaign and find all...
Actually it was saying how it was like a cage and how the situation was ironic. They'd built zoos to go and see animals in cages, but now they're...
I guess I could try a legendary speed run, get that achievement too!
Why are people convinved that the Mythic 2 maps will available on Marketplace? OK, it is possible that Microsoft will release them as DLC but I...
Just changing the little square to a B would involve making a new armour variant, which Bungie has stated can't be done. Even if they did apply it...
If I was talking about the audio logs, I would have said the audio logs and the achievements related the the audio logs. The clues are the things...
I've done the whole game on Heroic. I found all the clues on Heroic.
There are achievements for finding clues, I have completed all the missions so should have all the clue finding achievements, shouldn't I? For...
That wasn't a compliment. It doesn't matter what GAME "usually" does, they are quite clear that if you preorder a game then they will deliver it...
*Sigh* Its hardly worth explaining. Yes it is an old trick. Its similar to making vehicles float, making clones, turretless vehicles etc. They...