Yeah, I'm using Windows 7 right now. And Kevin, spam forums often? There's a Search button up at the top.
lol, "retarted". So, destroyer. You are currently in a position of having 2 Xboxes. The first, yours, is banned from XBL. The second, your...
Did you expect help? You modded your Xbox, you played pirated games. Seriously, you get what you pay for.
Well it certainly won't have the Halo 3 maps. ODST had Halo 3 multiplayer because it was originally (and still is sort of) a stand-alone expansion...
No. You just open safari, go to the webpage then tap the + at the bottom. It gives you the option "add a bookmark", "add to homescreen" or "mail...
Yeah, you can add bookmarks to the home screen. If the site doesn't have full icon sized favicon saved then you it'll use a screenshot of the part...
I'm making an Avalanche map. Just thought I'd that in there.
YouTube - Arrogant Worms - Canada is Really Big You can get a monitor flying around your avatar. My friend is part of the beta, he has a...
What avatar awards are there? My friend has the ODST armour, are there any others?
I originally thought, "why, not. It won't hurt to try" Then I downloaded the map... u-huh - I don't stand a chance!
Is ghost merging possible with weapon holders? I tried the usual way but they don't seem to spawn in the same way as other objects (like how... do you think the Bnet recent screenshot feature works? Take as many screenshots as you like but on the most recent 30 will be displayed...
I thought I saw something different with Fronk! I saw the picture with his eyes closed and thought it looked a bit odd, I didn't realise they...
I don't think it does. I think Bungie put that on because Halo 3 had the Metagame scoring achievements and ODST has them in Firefight instead of...
The idea brought a smile to my face. Are you going to build Orbital-like mini map at the top of the Tether?
You're definately not the first to get out of Citadel, its a very easy trick to do with pan cam on any map. And I'm sure I've seen a video taken...
Yes and no. Yes, people can download stuff from any fileshare, gold or silver. Its like when your Bungie Pro runs out, you can keep all the slots...
The multiplayer is the same on Halo 3 and the Mythic discs. When the game loads, it gathers info from, it loads your badges on your...
Nice, I got a sword spree but the final kill was also the winning kill so I had "Killing Spree. Game Over.", it never actually said Sword Spree so...
Mmmm, spartan pie.