Ya but Drax when you do that the background looks similer and people dont want want that someone else almost has. Each one is supposed to be...
Corey and E93 we use a new thread it is here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread Stop posting in this thread since he doesn't use it!.
Hi Zombie!!! You finally joined!!!
Ya that made since? Since he doesn't know why Sarges is how would he know why his isn't.
There I fixed it but it still is showing up for me lol. Even when you just posted I still see it.
What are you talking about? EDIT-nvm it was still showing up for me... Idk I'll re-upload I quess.
Lol this is the weirdest thing I've ever made. [IMG]
Depends what program are you using?
Depends on when they divorced, mine divorced when I was four so I'm used to it.
You got something against bunnies, punk?
Oh ok but why didnt you add the glow effectto your name? thats what i usually do but your name is kinda hard to read.
How did you do the background? Mine are all just abstract things I make.
So when you gonna be back?
why cant u just remake all the bushes and stuff or put them on a cd or something.
Thats pretty good but the image has some white on it so use this site- www.planetrenders.com to find some better images and the font is kinda weird.
Ya that was me, what do you think?
For comparison I have the old one. You guys think its an improvement? New new a- [IMG] New new- [IMG] New- [IMG] Old- [IMG]
For a font i like Frakturika or Evanescence. Use www.dafont.com to find those and Dante is kinda blurry so either try to find a better pic or...
Ya its in CS3
really... I have not idea what the hell you just said since i do all my sigs with the pen tool and one brush but... yaaaaa...