Glad you like it xD
Bring it on Biotch!! and he lives in Sandpoint Idaho xD
Shut up... How's this shade? [IMG]
hurray for honesty
ya sorry lol i'll start now.
[IMG] Heres mine
I just got back from my vacation and this time Photoshop is actually working. If you want me to make a sig use this form(doesn't have to be...
Hey you can't talk when you have Bruce Willis in you sig >.>
I say Nemi's just cuz it made me lol but since thats not an option I quess I'll go with linu
dont like the font and mario is kinda pixelated , Also I think you should add some blue near mario but other than that I like it.
You cant make the text a little brighter? O.o
I agree with kyle, add some more on the right. Maybe have it say "Why so serious?(woot for spelliong)
It's ok but dont have 2 sigs
Lone because the simplicity of it is amazing. When compared to other sigs it shows that the more you put in doesnt necesarily make it better. The...
not for the stuff I do but im going to camp next week so it'll work out pretty well on timing
nope because the program isnt working so there I have to send back and they will send another one
I would love to but photoshop is f*ed atm
He means paint sucks to make it simple for you lolz
I have to say >.> your sigs scare me.
wow 105 now O.o