bows is always online
[IMG] [IMG] Summit Created By MetaWaddleDee Recommended Players: 6-16 Recommended Gametypes: Invasion, Invasion Slayer Someone once told me...
post critique
Eh, he just deleted his crates lol
The map used to look substantially better. Bows couldn't quite grasp the idea of matchmaking and FH separate versions that Shad0w and I kept...
Bows, why you no join mah party broski
Really? Because I tend to think 95% of Reach maps look generic as hell and the main reason I wanted to come on to this project is because it was...
There were other maps in the tourny with a little more freedom than this one. However, those maps had a thing or two which all held them back.....
Happy Birthday
Uhh, it generally falls under my rule if it works out well then + but if not than - However, as an example: Gears maps. Most have really short...
[img] [img] This is the submission thread for the Foreign Treasures II contest. Please keep all submissions to accordance with the guidelines...
HAHAHA you get flagged on Gfaqs for saying cool story bro..that's hilarious. There were one or more potential problems with your message: The...
Hey dude, did you get my PM?
Random question, were you ever a part of the Selena Gomez avatar craze?
Roche's VMs are a happenin place
Apart from the technical issues, it's great.
Thanks sir