Volition stated that it was so you won't get crushed to death if your in a building. They played it in first person and kept all of a sudden dying...
I can't wait for this game, it looks awesome tearing buildings down brick by brick. Hope there are sniper towers just so I can knock it down with...
yeah he said it was after the trailer.
Crash Bandicoot 1 for the PS1, man that series used to be quality not like it is today.
+ chance of death If people like Tex gave up fighting for what they believe in then nothing would be done. If it was legal there never would be a...
I think my friend made that porn because whenever we have a 4 co-op game going he always says "Hal, I want you to crouch walk the entire game"...
I didn't expect this with that Capcom announcement (Just either play the trailer, or have a guy speak in english), but this game looks amazing. I...
Rocket race was so much fun like when you need to get over something quick you have your partner shoot a rocket in the ground and it's something...
Makin is too dark Only like roundhouse in SnD and any map with tanks my favorite maps would be cliffside, airfield, and the japanese hangar
Does the killball have the same radius as the hole down to crypt? Can you give a pic of a double box of sandbox (Like the double box of foundry)?
Fallout 3's developers worked hard on every detail and feature in the game. The are many weapons, tons of areas to explore, tons of equipment, and...
Meant like as a standard for games not like the selling point.
No, seeds are brought from latin countries, kids grow their own **** discretely or the parents don't care, so it gets circulated. It's really a...
Should have bin a sailor because as Austin Powers puts it "Only sailers use condums!" But seriously, I would expect a story this know in America...
Wow I can't wait for all these maps. Thats a long way down to the crypt and even further up for the sky bubble. Anyone know how tall the sky part...
I just hope they can raise the multiplayer limit from 16 to 20 or a little higher. And have most game's debris stay there like halo 3's, without...
I heard that it will have forward compatibility - Makes old games running on it better, graphic wise and more (Could be anything) I hope for a...
Yeah that's true but my uncle was inf back in nam, hes kind of weird now though, can't blame him though. My dad works on a ship that brings loads...
Ya Common is very talented, and yeah that would be my dream job. Thought about it but I'm not doing good in biology memorizing all the names and...
Ok I'm seriously bummed on what I want to do for a living after college. I want to be a movie actor (Probably won't happen), a rapper (Won't...