Halo > family
Don't be too sure, probably not for the 360 if there is a new xbox by then
Well my dad is a asshole, spends all his paychecks on tools while my mom has to work 2 jobs, my oldest sister has a baby with her boyfriend which...
It gives a little more for LE buyers which will only be a few weeks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gs7Ai-vixA&feature=channel_page Lol fail.
Wasn't this in the video on XBL? Thanks for posting this one then.
i shall offer 2 expired coupons for papa ginos, and 1 card that grants you exactly 1 free backrub from richard simmons. ALL this is worth about...
Both of your lists are flawed, there is no runescape. Not but seriously my top 10 would be: 1. Halo Series 2. Gta 3 - San Andreas (At the time I...
Xbox 360 games release dates These are game that are expected to come out in the next 2 years Including GoW3, Mass Effect 3, TS4, ect, but I...
Everytime I see a video for the cutscenes I want to watch it but don't because that might spoil the story for me (I mean like the characters and...
Same I can't stop playing skirmish. I beat it on heroic a few times. It's awesome to make armies of infantry, banshees, hornets, warthogs, honor...
The (I'm going to call it a skyjack) reminds me of something I did like that. It was on SandTRAP and a ghost saw me in a bubble in the middle.......
Is it alright that I entered your other contest? I'm in
Is there long load times for sandbox? Sandtrap usually takes a bit to load and sandbox looks bigger. I'm also bummed out of ideals for sandbox I...
I forget what it was called but there was a really good spiderman game for the ps1
Maybe it means the next time you send it out will be the last?
A good situation is when a few enemies are in a bubble shield. You rush in kill someone, take down the shield and all personal shields and your...
Maybe if you visit your parents you could bring your 360 with you, and I think marketplace is usable on xbox.com
From playing matchmaking, I'm sure anyone will learn that the standard is very low.
I just hope there isn't any more ****ing martydom, diverse maps, and no vehicles at all. If there is vehicles, at least make them die with rockets...