The worst would have to be a long and deep cut on my back when I was 10. Me and my friends were in the basement of my unfinished home, and it had...
I saw Fbu make this thread then JIZZED IN MY PANTS
Maps coming out April 9th, check the update. Now if you will excuse me I have to go change my pants.
Hey debators, haven't bin on this part of the forums in a while, not sure nothing really interesting I don't know. Now onto the main point: In...
As I see it, you enjoy games more when you are younger. Not just games but other things too. At a younger age your standards are pretty low but...
Just thought of a racist joke when T-Pain said he thought he would never see a boat... Anyone seen this song? It's from Lonely Island too...
Where would they hide... it..... *zip* Oh that's where I kept my laptop. This guy is obviously being greedy asking for 1 million for a 300$...
Everyone I know that saw the first movie came for 2 things, the giant robot fights and Megan Fox. Also, some girls I know saw it for Shia...
Anyone else fooled by President Eden in Fallout 3? The entire enclave is ran by a [spoiler] Oh and the Master from fallout 1 was demented [IMG]... you're not listening to artists like Nas you never knew how good rap used to be...
Ok so I get back home from football training today and my dad's laptop is open right there and so I look at it and open something minimized and it...
Oh **** forgot about those me and my friends loved to play those games and I forgot one other classic game: Team Buddies. If I still had it I...
Please they were spared, all they would hear is the good announcer and the guy thats screaming and chocking on a **** at the same time. The...
Sometimes I forget that it's halo (This is from just playing the demo). There are tons of different vehicles and infantry doesn't look too much...
I played the demo for that it was horrible.
Not mine, taken from here: Game with Flame Thought this looked pretty funny [IMG]
Well I'm not trying to be part of it but if I was offered a position I would say yes. I think I've bin here longer than some of the staff but I...
The cheapest you can get it without a CC is buying a 15$ zunes card which can give you 1200 MP. Spend that and you will have 400 MP left so then...
It's only on the Limited Edition which you cannot rent
Heard a few months ago the people who ported Halo 1 to PC are making the new Halo, and they did a good job on some of the extra maps like Danger...