Ya said the same thing but you worded it better that would be sick http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:Project_V13
-Battle front, halo themes, in the battle for reach -An RTS where there are 5 unique soldiers and 1 leader for each team. The soldiers are...
"Hey guys I just bought Mass Effect to watch 2 minutes of softcore porn!!!" No kid, nobody says that.
I think customizing a character's look would be great for online, have us start with some options and unlock more as we level.
Yes I just want to go into singleplayer and run over everything, and if you can fly vehicles, then fly those towards a building and jump out the...
Animal crossing, I loved that game, especially playing NES games Runescape, it was a elementary school thing And thats all I can think about for now
It's weird I'm usually the one driving, I don't use the gun much but out of all my gunners they usually say I'm either really good or the best...
Damn I had some good overkills I could have shared but forgot to send it to you, I have some failures though. And by failures does it have to be...
I played the first 3 Ratchet and Clanks, and they never get worse, only better.
Lets just say, long story short, played for like 3 years, and stopped, and cant play again. But I still talk to some of my clanmates on forums though.
Oh yeah I made 2 new guys Name: Will Sex: Male Race: Hispanic Karma: Good Will is a strong white knight . He prefers Big guns and swords. But he...
Can't wait, I loved CoD4 and CoDWaW was a heaping pile of **** imho.
Would you say it is worth it?
Yeah I only watch that channel now for family guy and robot chicken both are on late though. Cartoon Network basically ressurected family guy...
Yeah family guy just had like every minute something funny, while simpsons it's like once a episode. I think Cartoon Network, TBS, and other...
Holy **** he has 2 killionares in his montage. Those were the most epic 4 minutes and 13 seconds of my life!
I knew I had the right ideal of making my account's birthday in 1942. I have the same problems with my 2nd account.
Not only that you can convince someone to do suicide, stop a slave revolt by leading every slaver over to kill them all, sell a old lady's special...