Man and here I look like an idiot having fun with 16 people on avalanche, I mean you need at least (Thinking) 16 times more player than that.
The new maps were 80 bucks to people who couldn't wait until April and wanted to feel special and uses 20 dollar bills for toilet paper. I'm...
I wonder who goes and says "HEY! THIS GH SAYS METALICA, SO IT MUST BE NEW AND I MUST BUY IT!" And I thought GH3 was new.
Name: Old Lady Palmer 1st Weapon: Assault Rifle 2nd Weapon: YEAH! Melee Weapon: Super Sledge SpecialWeapon: Sweet Roll Special Power: FALCON...
It was from another forum and I have no ideal how to make gifs sorry.
It is a RPG more than a shooter. But sometimes sniping really pisses me off.
Nobody I know plays that game anymore, and that's what was awesome with GTA. Alot of other people didn't like it too why don't you look back a few...
When I first got UT3, I was thinking about remaking that map, dam you beat me to it, and would be better then my version.
I would also like a remote detonated explosive. Attach it to a mongoose and drive into a person and boom! This is always fun.
That's why I love Guildwars, you don't have to grind too much, just for money though.
Had me wondering, but yeah RF was a FPS. I don't mind the change because I like both perspectives and you can react if something is falling on...
I have only played the demo for Bioshock, And I can tell it's like the 1950's but furturistic , just like Fallout 3. The combat is much better...
Yeah it's in the game [IMG]
Make the elephant flyable like a hornet, (Not like that map varient, no hornet inside), and equip it with more turrets and just have banshees try...
The game looks like it's controls are alot like SR2 so thats good for me because I'm really good at that game. EDIT: Didn't realize I made the...
Forgot about those 2 and someone a few posts back wanted Crackdown 2, so do I. It would be cool if there was like 4 player co-op or competitive...
I would call the needler the AR. While we are at it why no sentinal beam for starts? That would be awesome for Ghost Busters
You know it's a fad if south park has done a episode on it.
CoD 4 on veteran. It took me like a whole week to do it, and like the post about CoD 2, you must know where every enemy is by dying over and over...
Oh and were those all the backpacks? I think it's going to add alot of diversity to the game.