"I know, let's all go in the mancannon in a snipers game!" Double kill, triple kill. Quit
Me and 2 friends were leaving school and we went to a small store nearby and outside of it is a vending machine. The machine ate 2$ of mine and I...
that is my goal than lol
not me im gonna crank it on hard or up, wish me luck
same, gonna love that rifle, and did you see those edf with snipers? they look sick
'Red Faction: Guerrilla' Developer Walkthrough - Guerrillas At The Gates - G4tv.com Really informative vid about RFG
It was just to tell the person I quoted previously that the game is not realistic, the enviroment is but a lot of it isn't. The one hour asleep...
what i don't get it, how does the voice of this generation have to do with being gay?
Yes i love fishsticks i love to put them in my mouth what does that have to do with anything?
Seriously, why get mad at something like this. If it was a game, like for the 360, that your company made and spent a lot of time in, and if it...
And sleeping for 1 hour magically makes it all better.
Those were just examples. I could have mentioned Techno (IMO sorely underated) , Jazz, or country but I think people catch my point, there will be...
This won't really work out because there are people who are biased to other genre of music. For example: Some will say all rap is crap, money, and...
Halo 3 (Before all the new achievements) Fallout 3 (Im pretty sure I raped every inch of every corner of this game. 5 times) GTA vice city I...
Well judging from the reaction for the demo this looks like a definite buy. EDIT: Getting the demo(lition) now, can't wait.
How bout leisure Larry? I don't know anything about the games but it looks like he gets more ass than a toilet seat.
Did you say you sucked your own ****? No
I like all of them but my favorite would have to be avalanche IDK probably from alot of memories of cool battles (Haven't played online in a while)
Well since 50 cent has his own game.... jk I wouldn't want to be a washed up jackass. Malcolm for the UT series, he doesn't die, he is probably...