With Bungie DLC, you can do more than just play on it (Forge) And I don't plan on getting this because CoD5 sucks, its another WWII game, and it...
Andale if you want to get creeped out
You damn computer players have mods. At least we can use Col. Autumns coat and his laser pistol/smg thing
Yeah I was thinking that too or [spoiler] Theres alot of endings in this
I heard you play as the same character, so your right if you meant that you join them. And I'll post this again (You can get all your items from...
Im missing 2 achievements Data Miner - on one save I have 49 terminals haxed with 100 science but I just hate the process Vault Tec CEO - Made...
They want you to be able to use the armor you get from the armory.
The gauss rifle and the shock sword are my new favorite weapons. I think I might start a new save purely for stealth and use the suit. And the...
There is a Missle launcher that acts like a grenade launcher, plasma rifle, mini gun, Alien power cells, and more in a armory. there is a key...