Then go help them out with all their difficulties. Mow some lawns, make some money, get a job, do something with your life other than argue...
Wow. That must suck ****. Maybe that's why you're socially retarded here on the site? Go find some neighbors to hang out with or something,...
There's school. Or are you a douchebag there, too? Your original post refers to banning. Your later comments refer to my visitor message below,...
Disregard this. My last vistor message wasn't showing up, so I lol'd more.
Welcome Sir. And how long will your stay with us last this time?
"WAAAAH No one likes me, let's reassure this statement by making a poll and having people publically humiliate me and/or make some heartwarming...
I don't ****ing care, it's hilarious still.
Oh. Oh, you *****.
How exactly did Monty... go? ;__;
Can you give LG Scott the respected rank? He runs a forum like ours (, and I think it's be a nice way to gain them some publicity or...
Yo, give LG Scott the respected rank? Find a link to his profile at Grif's profile. If Killer has it, Scott deserves it.
Oh, shut the **** up you dirty traitor. Back to LG with you, off you go. Sort of new, needs a bit of help getting on it's feet. Small userbase, etc. Not looking for a place to steal members from, I'm just...