Of course I do you total wangsta of a boy. <3 <3 <3
You're silly. Lol.
Overflow is one of the few maps in my harddrive I refuse to remove to this day. I hope you keep your promise, welcome back.
Ah ha, I was about to ask you if you sort of forgot to add something to that post of yours... F5 saved me a quick bit of failure. Oh well. It...
... Why did you make up a quote that I both have never said and isn't funny in the slightest bit?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx9PujLoqiI A puppy? In Halo 3?
ah ha ha i love the people wtf'ing at your name. good times
Because of the orange...? Has nobody clicked my profile before ever, it's always been this kind of color, I just darkened it? ;___; I also happen...
chrstphrnbnnnrrrrrn I underlined the part of your name that remains open to debate about it's finish.
Ignore Vice. Screw Urk. You = <3
Well hello Sir. I don't believe you picked up your complimentary Scotch and pipe upon your entrance back, be sure to do so before that damned Hub...
It's always been orange. Chill dog.
I poorly phrased my question, and I apologize for that. Assume the two men have the same upbringing environments, the same physical capabilities...
Two men watch an eldery man fall over onto his side; the first man runs over to his aid while the second man laughs at the elderly man's...
The anime is nothing at all, I couldn't even be bothered to finish it.
They do, completely. Anime cuts out so much, and actually gives the story an ending instead of a cliffhanger. Elfen Lied 1 - Read Elfen Lied...
Trick question. There's no way we can prove of God's existence, we can only offer bits of information that man has not yet been able to decipher...
Oh lord, that's Lilium in your sig. Go read the ****ing manga, it's tons better than the anime.
... And right back down again they go. And you were so close, Frag.
I'm the guy that doesn't really care about anything social and maintains a cool self image being the funny guy during school hours. And then I...