Hey Paulie. What are you doing back here?
Gears 2 is going to be better than Halo I believe.
A map on Epitaph! Just for that I give you a 4/5.
Hey When are you and C u l8er going to make a new race map. Seriously.
Well I dont have anything else to really put in it Chuck so I just decided Halo.
Wow. I was going to do something like this but it was going to be a ship in the sky. Anyway very good! 5/5 for the interlocking so It is a...
So far I think im leaving towards you Ivory. And also I really dont care about the armor. He just asked.
Congrats on 6 pages within 5 hours. I believe we have the new ForgeHub record.
Well in all honesty there is a lot of empty space. And also interlocking is needed same with neatness. And also please dont have so many vehicles.
Please Embed pictures from Photobucket or Imageshack.us. Please nobody else tell him to do that because that is annoying.
Well interlocking is great and people like to see interlocking because it makes everything smooth.
Thank you but it wont be featured because all of it isnt neat. And I doubt it would ever get featured.
I do agree with you. The boxes were a little sloppy but it doesnt effect gameplay so we didnt care. And also we did a lot of work so we didnt...
Yea they are defeated. As soon as their prophet was killed then the war is over. Just like if you kill a king all of the followers stop fighting.
Good to see you on ForgeHub. I have already seen this map and it is great. Good that you also gave a Description and in the Aesthetics. But as...
Dear2Kill. You post one more time in this thread and I will guarantee you are booted. All of that stupid nonsense about Army of Two and Assasins...
Interesting but a whole new vehicle is not going to work. The attached missle pod would not work out to well it would be too powerful even with...
Well it is good but if that is all that is on there it is sort of boring. And also You may have interlocked but it still looks quite sloppy. For...
It looks good. Now that you are done we now have to wait for other people. Ivory Snake is also making me one. And if someone else enters than...
Truly Amazing Matty. I saw it and literally cried with tears of joy. Im a harsh critic but this map is by far a 5/5. Most of your others are...