at least this is shaping up to be deeper :)
well then. they arent licking your nuts an' ice cream.
is it pistachio flavoured?
pretty stupid that there's no ammo in support...
lisbeth's a *****
o hey proxy.
untuskbump. take dat murfugga
bullshit doesnt own a phone.
its 24 on the console.
i have a ps3, uncharted 3 is going to be way better than this imo. although gears hasnt ever been bad.
and it was pretty badly done.
the mauler was OP.
looks like some hipster **** ;)
shaddap you. you horse.
that's pretty funny.
too bad they didnt show the flechette ammo using its special ability
call of duty isnt aging well.
hay you cant un bump an un bump.