I'll be on halo in a bit, my friend's playing mirrors edge and I'm doing homework.
I'm on now and will be for around 3-4 hours.
Well it's just about 11pm here, so I ain't going to be getting on until tomorrow, and I have an assignment I have to do so I may be on a bit later...
Oh, and yeah I'll help you out, what's your rank? I can't get on now, and you probably want to add my other other account Numb II so that we can...
I'm probably only a 45-48 area, I got shad0w Viper to help with the last few ranks cause he's f***ing amazing general. I'm only a major cause I...
I think I saw a butterfly... which means... it must be.... A BUTTERFLY ***** MASK!!!
Add iNumbbb... I'm guessing you played my Iv0rY Snak3 account, in which case it probably wasn't actually me that you played =P
I don't remember playing with you but hey, whatever, send me a FR or something...
Am I the only one who thinks that the centre looks like a genitalia?
Sorry, can't remember your GT, what was it?
he made more than three, but most other people would've still given you an infraction, but whatever, I just found it funny...
lol@u escaping infractions in the religion thread, if it were any other mod you'd have been ****ed...
Eh I've had tiomes where my friend was a thirty and I was on a second account, we played all day, by the end of the day he was a 35 and I was a 38...
Aye, tis most awesome.
Rockets, Host and not being able to get perfections in objective.
yeah i've had that before, it kinda corrected itself somehow....
*has had them foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
Nemi, you were an evil wizard, I was his running mate.... remember? then he claimed to have made all my maps for me and photoshopped pics of me...
It was in customs, but srs customs so we were actually playing.
Ehh... Me and Cosmic Rick managed to land a double backflip perfectly from the bottom to the top of the chasm using a couple of nice nades...