A guilder/mason hybrid known as a Maid- err... Guilson! come to save the day from you and your petty bat tricks...
I thought you had to be pretteh to be a mason...
Make me rank if you so wish, but I do not need such trivial things, for, possesions are fleeting...
But you see my good man, that would be fear of yourself, and if one is in fear of himself, he is doomed... you are not doomed, therefore you are...
Change your name to Zalgo NOW! I demand it after your mischievous mischief and tomfoolerish tomfoolery
i believe "mam" is spelt ma'am for it is the english slang for french word "madame" =P
Not meaning to be offensive in anyway, but I won't my last map to be entirely my own.
maybe later...
I may just have to kill you for what you did to Effy...
Looks like it... finally...
Just a friendly reminder to DEMOTE ME.
2 should've moved back to 4 cause anyone can gun in a hog... no offence Vorpal Vice. Also, **** yeah for getting number 5, I'd just like everyone...
They have an audition of sorts that is open to loyals and premiums only, and only when the staff feel another journalist/mod is needed.
Not when you never do anything like me...
Whatever it was I did this afternoon... ;]
For those saying she'll ask you if she really likes you, chances are she's way too nervous to do so (personal experience) then again tradition may...
That's right you're sorry...
OMFG WHO THE **** DOES HE THINK HE IS to be playing Guardian v4...
Only slightly, that's why I suggested the skybox...