Oh cool! Leave me visitor messages guys! lol, that's funny
Yeah, that must be it Shock. After such a long time testing I'm sure your jedi skills are much better than mine. I am just a padawan. I'll keep...
Oh, well when I played it, it was very difficult to survive as Darth Maul because you would have two people trying to circle around you and...
Oh wow, I can't wait for those now with how well this one's done. I played it for the first time a few days ago and it was really fun. Really gave...
It took me a ridiculous amount of time to make this. The initial forging of everything with my pal Tender Bisquit took a few weeks. Then all the...
I don't understand how people can say this is not competitive. It's a sniper game. There's tactics, finding a good position for cover yet at the...
This looks great Furious. Much better than Sniper Hill which I loved and haven't took off my hd since the day I downloaded it. (The old SC days..)...
You do realize there is more to a map than 3 pictures right? Go look at the original thread for more pictures if you need them. I promise you this...
I'm pretty sure you were. It was kinda added on at the end of one of the Furious Review sessions.
Rockets might be do-able. I dunno. I think it might be cool. But what about a sentinel beam? Oh yeah, baby. That'll be even sweeter than rockets.
Haha, yes. My bachelor party was a Rockets game on Cyclopean, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, maybe if it was a lan game instead of an...
Ah Crap! You're right. Damn! Ok, ax the 'no weapon pickup.' and I forgot the 10 second thing when I mentioned unlimited ammo, but I still think...
These new suggestions are sounding like Army of Two's overkill mode to me. (Good game. But it's just a rental.) I like the nearly invincible...
Wow, I just realized that today this map is 50 days old. Yay! Happy 50th Cyclopean! I love you!
because Furious has majickal sekrets.
Great map. Agreed with everyone here, espescially Cosmic. Enjoy the lava ahole. lol, your map has a popular tagline. That's pretty sweet. Oh,...
Good work DTL. My map beat yours in a contest but your map beat mine in getting featured. Consider us even. But don't get too comfortable, my...
What's a great idea? All of it? Everything I do? Awesome! Thank you so much. lol
So sorry TDF. I was just voicing a concern of mine, and I never wanted it to go this way. Being an admin for another group is really teaching me...
I apologize for 'lighting the match' in this argument here. Maybe we all just have different ideas in what kinds of things should be featured. I...