Deadline is today right? Well I posted here to organize something with the team we're supposed to be playing, as well as sending a pm to the team...
[B] Alright, I know no one on this team. Can the team leader for this team talk to his teammates and set up some times that are good for them?...
I was just kidding Dom. She kept her word, and yes, she got me... but it didn't hurt. Haha. Killamanjaro.... I'm in the middle of a leave of...
Doin alright. She never got to me. I'm too quick and clever for that.... I sensed it coming a mile away.
Cosmic: I got a message over xboxlive from Roche178 saying that his team forfeits. He was missing 2 of his guys, so he couldn't play. Just lettin...
Sorry, change of plans. Half my team can't make it tonight, so we'll reschedule for sometime tomorrow. I'll let you know of a time when I hear...
My team will hopefully be playing the Ducks of Onyx sometime tonight.
Hey man. Wanna play the Wonder Winsauce Team tomorrow night (Saturday) for the Teamwerks Tournament? I'll let my team know about it, and hopefully...
lol, wow. A team named after the genitalia of it's members. Madness. Sex-crazed madness.
Haha, thank you Furious. I was just gonna post something like that. Pretty funny. People are stupid aren't they? Can't we hand out infractions...
I knew this was gonna make feature as soon as I saw it. Congrats Battyman! Now, you just gotta wait to get Premium. You're a shoe-in I think, as...
I want a sock monkey of my very own. How do I go about apprehending one? Oh, and my favorite is the one that's dressed up in a suit. You need to...
First post stealer! ^ G043R! How's it goin? Aren't you Loyal yet? What's going on? lol See ya around man.
LMAO! Funniest bump ever.
Hey Insane. Check your Ducks of Onyx group. They feel betrayed that you are playing for some other team in the Teamwerks Tournament. They want you...
Just for everyone's information... Team Wonder Winsauce has already signed up. The team is: NeverlessWonder Squidhands Creep1ngDe4th Tesai...
Doubtable? What the hell does that mean? God... people and their one sentence, 10 words or less replies piss me off. Espescially when they say...
Shouldn't this be in casual maps? lol, jk. I really don't give a crap where it is as long as I can download it. I can't believe it. I just came...
They came from space! lol This is such a cool looking map, and a very unique idea. Turning stationary map objects into enemy combatants? Genius!...
That's what makes Halo fun to me. I'm not interested in who's better at any one certain thing, I'm interested in who can evaluate what's going on...