a couple more pictures wouldnt hurt but the layout looks really simple I think you could maybe a do a little bit more
lol...Im just gonna say some stuff to avoid spam. Stealth/resix I didnt slam your map because you didnt have a budget glitch. That was a joke....
err since when are you a loyal lol i thought you were retired? O.O" anyways I sent you an XBL message but i was wondering if you could help me...
Eghhh, No offense but i knida dont want to take help from you because you havent really made any maps and I have no idea how you would make my map...
I would start it up but it would depend on who else would help me out. if you would like to help me out, just leave a post saying why you are...
I think that it would be a good idea if someone started a group that helped people with their maps. Not completely help, but just enough to give...
I for one have a lot of pet peeves on forging a good map. 1. Good Gameplay! 2. Nice strategic placement of high ground if any 3. Good Gameplay. 4....
uh huh really bogus how squared circle was best aesthetic when linubidix himself said that it wasnt a big eye teaser and was just meant solely for...
haha 1st place in competitive i like that :D btw theres a newer version of clockworks that looks and plays better. its called hysteria. and im...
i was just giving him advice on how to brainstorm im not sure what you are trying to say because he asked for suggestions and im givin him one O.O"
step 1: put the fencewall down at the desired area. step 2: secure fencewall with tele. nodes- make sure to use recievers on the sides of the...
err i dont think you should ask for ideas. Especially since the last map you made was diminished in value since other people's ideas were all used...
i kinda dont approve of people trying to remake maps that have already been created in halo 3 by bungie. I mean, seriously. You really cant get...
no bungie favorites is basically the people with the most downloads on their maps. They never really are any good.
do you by any chance know what failblog.org is? lol
i dont know if im right but i dont think that we should be poting our comments here. We should probably stick to submitting our maps on this...
oh really? i just finished my map that ive been working forever on.
thats so win
where is everyone getting these super cool weird avatars i want one! >:D
make sure to let me have a hand in if we are doing a spitfire II because we should do it out of scratch so we have the BG back.