...i assumed you knew... ill just edit it...
oh ******ya i got in trouble for having it but i dont think its a big deal since i didnt show it to anyone.
holy shiznit. matty that just killed your tage lol. sorry but its true i like that part where it cuts to a new seen with a guy walking on some...
err...what? im not really workin on anything atm...
what 2v2 map?
can you do a review on Sanghelios?
go post on my map sanghelios lol...
Y35 i liked the structure idea you showed me the other day i will definetely be using that in my next new symmetrical map it looks really cool
"You have the eyes of an eagle lol." Its because my asianeyes can double scope like an H3 Sniper -.-"
err...Bl00D F1R3 made sure that i didnt tell anyone or else he would personally ban me but he said it doesnt matter because I have the old version...
just posted my review on your map hope you like
thats pretty easy since they are ghosts and on high ground but w/e lol
I got it from DimmestBread or EyelessSid or something am I in trouble? I havent shown it too anyone..
Ok well here is my promised review of the map. I tested this with 4v4 multi and 1 flag. Aesthetics The aesthetics on Helvetica were quite...
dude i got infracted for my signature...which might i add, everyone seems to love...
Well i hope that you will find this map at least an 8 after you play a game on it because i spent a long ass time trying to present a new...
Here is my layout of Sanghelios. Its my new map and has already been posted though. [IMG] [IMG]
Im gettin this tomorrow for sure! I skated 4 miles to gamestop yesterday thnkin it was 54$ since I checked on the interwebs but then when i got...
another reason to forge alone. What a pity. People having to steal maps to get anywhere is pretty ****ing hilarious. I laugh at them not at you btw
thats one jacked up ***** its got claws and everything O.O"