nevermind guys i just used the forging 101 thing thanks anyway.
its not a preview without the pictures. or some sort of design or something. i read your thing and it seems that you are recreating my map's...
-.-" k... since when were arches (with an "E") hard. I think that arches are easy and many others do too. kind of an unessecary guide but ok. Im...
i hope scarfac3d sees this you made his skatepark look like junk. you are a really talented forger and id like to see what you can do in the...
kthxbai :D
yeah i know
ya..k sorry about that ill get it done asap. do you still have the original copy of the design?
err insane i have bad news. my little cousin who is "retarded" literally. He has autism came over for a party with my family that we are having...
what boggles my mind about this template contest map is why there are such crooked merges Its a tough one indeed.
ya but keep it on the DL I dont want to jinx my chances of getting my first feature so hush hush. lawl
cool. but i dont expect it to be its truely not as well forged as many other maps that deserve a feature. BTW, my sanghelios is somewhere that...
thanks. -.-" (sarcasm to the max!) lol its true though renegade had a great layout and so did blindside but renegade came out a month or two...
good it deserved third your map is a map that appeals to the community. It was better than the other 4th or below because honestly, those werent...
my guess is because renegade was one of the first maps with geomerging but maps nowadays have evolved to a whole new level.
Anyone want to tell me how to geomerge a grav lift need to learn for my new map. Step by step guides would be much appreciated or even a video...
not really its very easy for me.
dun worry guy i was just working on it but im kinda a perfectionist so im trying to get the edges of the cylinder quite perfect. i have done the...
sorry but i kinda agree with silence here. Maybe not so much on the part whre you hold yourself above us, but definetly the part in "Dangling it...
aww ok fine kthxbai lawl
oh wow fail lol