I love you!
hmmmmmm interesting lol
So we are not posting one today?
so no updatte shuman?
lol my bad haha.
well if i say lock, then there is no need for you to post and say LOCK . Im saving you the trouble. =D
This^ Howdy yall
=D Fllr
put up the recap nao!!!!!!!!! I worked hard on that thing lol.
Partially the 5 am dayquil. But yeah we have a lot in common which is why it's so much fun to play with you online. Were also just two cool guys...
so i hate my connection
-_- flr
i no haz PS3 bro. I was considering it though. Would you suggest me buying one if I can pick it up cheap, and if so, which games take advantage of...
im good whenever you are, but in 2 weeks (from today) i will be on vacation and then again 4 weeks from today. So other than that, I'm good.
=D fllr
I can do this now right: LOYAL PLOX!!!!!!!
closed, the openness makes the map feel empty in my opinion.
ok cool