Wow, you just found out that I turned 17 the 24th? It even say's it on Skype when it's my birthday. Really now... I thought you was my friend. lol
Remember this map? You helped me make it a LONG time ago... Well, I finally got around to posting it....
I should have taken a close up of me and my awesome Japanese flag emblem. lol
I figured it said something like that.
But, I wasn't even done posting map yet... How could you possibly know what I was doing? Oh well... I'm proud of myself; I posted my first map on...
Switchyz Download map Prologue: Now, let me get a few things straight before we get to the map. First, thing I have to say is that this map...
What are you talking about? I'll be glad to add you again as long we play sometime and not just sit on my friends list. Who are you? That should help... Direct any questions to me or another colored member for...
Nice... I find it funny.
/Really late... Thanks anyway though...
Whoo! I'm happy now.
Your gaming setup makes me jealous, and I envy you so much because of your room.
I bet your starting to miss her... You don't know how lucky you're until it's gone/taken away from you. But, now to what I came to your page...
Just as a reminder... You have just spammed, necro posted, and double posted in your map 'Infection Undergroundbase-Until The End v2(Sandbox)' I...
Well, I was watching a different anime at the time so I decided to watch it until I finished the certain anime. But, now I finished that certain...
Thank you, my friends...
STFU, A lot of people still play it... You just have to search a little to find someone.
You need to come play Left 4 Dead with me! I only have it until Thursday to play it since I rented it today; Along with everyone else that wants...