Who is thy leader then? I want to work out a peace treaty. My great county can not survive like this.
Attacking Japan? No... Either move on to a common enemy we may share or stop attacking altogether.
And I qoute: "Currently our alliance holds Ireland, France, Australia, Yugoslavia, Japan, China, and N. Korea." You may ask General Iron Tusk or...
No! Please!
Which alliance are you talking about! I have a very strong alliance with 6 different countries.
What? Then what country do you want me to help? We share a similar enemy; The United Kingdom is neither part of your or my alliance and therefore...
Meh... Still to early to decide. I went on a little hiatus from Anime for the time being.
The Japanese Empire is not lying to you! I agreed to help Ireland defeat the United Kingdom in exchange they will help if we are in need.
None... You just have to trust me.
Oh yes it does...
Then make sure you stay out of trouble... The Off-topic section misses you.
Sad... How did you get your Infraction reversed?
Got an Infraction reversed? Japan is being attacked in the Off-Topic! It's being led by General RadiantRain of Russia! We need help!
I'm starting negotiations too. The Otaku and Moe fan base shall live forever!
Yes? If you continue with the attack all relations with other countries will cease. Which means, no hot asian girls, no new games being...
We're being attacked! Japan is under attack!
What shall we do General Shihuru? I guess I will have to start asking the help of the countries in the alliance to aid.
I know! As soon as we became a super power in the war everyone is fearful and starts attacking. If Japan shall fall in battle we must move on to...
Oh the noes! Japan is being targeted! Let our numbers grow! We must not let the Empire lose!
Oh really?... Damn... I was hoping for a loop hole somewhere.