Benjamin, Franklin, they ain't none of your friends.
It's probably some brat with rich parents and bad friends. I BEEN HAD MONEY.
YouTube - Been Counting Money
He already went to rehab.
Damn straight I am.
They need to find a new way of recording - one that doesn't put so much volume in Isaac's voice and more emphasis on the instrumentals. When I...
Unfortunately, we will never see a new This is a Long Drive from Modest Mouse. Recording technology and Isaac's voice have both changed significantly.
I actually really like this song. Well, that it for collecting the B side songs. Now I'm looking forward to whatever they'll release next. I'd...
You're such a BK.
Modest Mouse - History Sticks to Your Feet
This map failed to impress me at all. The spawns were horrible, the weapons had poor placement, and the objective spawns were terrible. Just...
Look at this ****ing hipster
Ah, **** it. He can figure it out.
Not just yet. Reason: Shock's post.
This group is a great idea. If this group grows, it will become incredibly helpful to the forging community.
I may not for a while unless I can figure out a way to help with the openness. Plus, I need to fix some spawns and fully test the map. Meanwhile...