This. Not that i've pre-ordered ODST. It'll be FTL. However, Epic is correct, are awesome ... nearly every game i've pre-ordered from...
YouTube - Van Halen on violin
Widdling on bass isn't cool ... you need true feeling of what you're doing ... that guy blatantly doesn't have any feeling at all, never mind...
Be a guitarist. You can easy get a starter guitar (which is fine for learning) for less than $100. Picking it up is simple, but it requires a...
Good news, I hope ..?
It's quite alright. I couldn't get on FH and needed someone to contact Roche so we could play our match, that is all. I managed to sort it though...
I am acceptably good. How art thyself?
Pass-gas-ee Delta.
i lol.
Sweetheart, are you there? We need to organise a 1v1 match ...
Cheers. I'll have a look at those later. We weren't overly concerned about breakouts when making the maps, as doing so is obviously an instant...
Can you send me a video of this 'hiding spot'. And a ruling can be made, thanks. And as a side note, this isn't front-paged. Nor does it count...
Can you and Eric stop arguing please; a moderator was called to get involved. I've deleted your comments on each others pages. Let that be the end...
Go Roche, Go!!11 ... you can beat that EMMELLGEEE LVL FIFTEH dude..!!
Online now, poohelm.
IGN: Playboy Babe of the Day: Kimberly Phillips Boom. Belated happy birthday ... I keep forgetting you're 07WRX now :p
Skype, please.
feel free...
Come oonnnnnn .... :p I've been waiting an hour
My power level is over niiiiiine thoooouuuusaaaand! ...on live -.-