Look ... it's me ... but lego.
no what?
... engage.
Not quite ... I'm coming back when I have more free time. Knee-deep in a transitional phase at the moment.
Lolz ... looks like loads of people have been looking at my profile to see who I am.
Nah, my life is hectic at the moment, so I've temporarily stepped down. Normal service will resume shortly.
boooo ... My connection isn't too immense :( I'm gonna get it on Saturday, so we can see what happens.
Today, I banned you for being a nubcake.
Well ... I've kinda been coerced into getting it ... so we're DEFINITELY gonna get to play some games. I wanna Firefight my **** off when I get...
Haha, nice one. I'm sure there'll be plenty of that occurring at Uni. What happened with that other lady? Did it all fall flat? Well .. it's...
Away. Lots of work and house renovation. How is your life going? We never talk any more :(
Hello, sweetheart. *sigh*
For real? Like ... seriously? Cause Halo 1/2 were the ultra-epic that kinda re-invented my love of gaming.
Is it out? :p If so, no I haven't ... doesn't really appeal to me to be honest. Is it worth the purchase?
Chill dude, I've not done anything :)
...duplicate thread. *locked*
Can't believe no-one saw how much this dude bumped this thread. Thread locked because of your bumping.
Thread locked as post is not up to standards.