It's true! Ugh..the party was shite, I sat there for two hours in my shorts and a tee shirt in like 8°C outside.
****ed Furry's mum.. LIKE A BAWSE!
Yay for long post! I've been interested in Graphics ever since I found out what my dad's job was. A year before I was born he got his first...
Well if they're big apps, and it says 'size mismatch' I have a feeling it may be because you don't have any space left for Cydia. I've noticed in...
Who helped you get Photoshop? That's right, your friendly neighbourhood Sam. You can thank me later! As I've said in your Graphics Port over at...
He wants 'bout tree fiddy!!!1111oneone
He can be yours for two dorrar, does sucky sucky like dragon!
Oh yeah, he's a sexy one. Knows just what to say!
Youtube - Talking Cat
And I dance dance dance, and I dance dance dance. [IMG]
Yo dawwggg.
Well for me, Safari 3 used to crash an awful lot more than Safari 4 Beta does now. And that's on an MBP, Mac Pro and iMac, so there must be...
Well you did :P I too am using Safari 4 Beta on Mac, and I love the Top Sites feature, I also like the overall interface redesign. Very sexy.
I agree with Hari, thanks a lot! Take a look at what I'm using now ;) [IMG]
I have to say for a first signature this is pretty good, I second Frag Man, have you had any experience with art before?
Wahey, another person that uses Caffeine :D! I also have an 'Everything' folder on all of my computers, only I chose not to name it on my...
Wow, calm down.
You are not being serious? You don't believe he made them?! Have you not seen c5c's previous works? He's done some amazing things in the past and...
"BTW, your signature exceeds the limits of the canvas, you have to turn it sideways or else it breaks the 200 pixel vertical rule." I don't...