Totally! I'm telling on you ಠ_ಠ
Why thank you.
Oh my god, I was joking. Seriously? Or were you joking, just now? Hm...
Yo! Head on over to here if you're still interested in the RH v TG situation. It'd be good to have your help if we run short of players. Thanks!
Hey, I was looking at your map - looks very nice! But I just thought I'd help you out with a little BBcode know-how. If you want to show the...
Yeah, I 100% agree with Peg. This map isn't fun to play more than a few times, and you'll never load it up except just to show a friend and amaze...
Organite anxiously refreshes the poll results to be sure that people like it ^^ Great feature! One of the most head-scratching maps I've seen...
Ahh, but did you ever use pythagorus' thereum during the conception or creation of this map? I think not, and so I refuse to DL. Seriously...
Ah, then all is good. Have fun!
Y u no Guardian? You were good at that!
Oh my god we are great role models.
Really sorry, but I can't complete my review for this cycle. Oh, um... and happy late birthday :(
Yeah, sorry... again. It's something about you that just always stays way in the back of my mind :| Or maybe I was away for the weekend. Anywho,...
Well this turned out better than what I saw before. Looks better, but in all my brutal honesty I'd say you went a little overkill with the aesthetics.
Yeah I kinda made seven.