True, blonde nerd is good. Blonde geek is bad.
Hey man, you do the Community Spotlight, right? Are the spotlights just for forgers or anyone who you receive a request for?
You have a knack for blonde nerds who talk the way they text?
On the TV, or on the thing in the TV- omgyournewavatar.
Haha, YES! That's the one! Edit: I might put a little hat on my dude this year ^^
To be honest I'd like to see your first one again. Well, the first one I saw before it changed.
Avatar is not mcstabby?! :lol:
Music was well synced, if a little over the top. The premise was almost good, but it felt more like a "You had to be there" sort of thing.
You know, despite all the controversy, I respect you so much more for the sheer balls it took to do that update. I may not have found it funny,...
Welcome! I look forward to working with you in the review hub.
Your avatar's changed over 9000 times this week.
Yo, just noticed your avatar and "location". Well done. \--/
Yeah, I made a gametype quite a while ago with a similar intent, and I think the concept is widespread. Check out my gametype to see how it...
My brother's name is Stan, and my name is Dave. His GT is Stanadav ^^ Davastan and Stanadav work together!
Yo, could you lock your PR thread? You probably didn't notice me asking (damn merging...)
You can find my proofreading of your review here. Just thought I'd give you a heads up since, unless you are checking up on it constantly, it...
Thank you, fellow .gif-enthusiast!
Official Review Hub Review [IMG] Databound: Halo [IMG] As the counter beeps down and the players are thrown into combat, there is an...