Well we do have quite a list, but if the map has been through the testers guild, it recieves a high priority. While you're waiting it might be...
Co-leader, but thanks!
Thanks a lot, man.
Good! Then we're in agreement!
1. I love that picture too! 2. Well now it's 1:00pm 3. Yep! Happened yesterday :D
I'd follow Stevo's suggestion of moving it your map to another forum. It's just that this is the first instance of anyone, the creator or the...
Ha, I guessed :)
Holy... the To Do List is messed up with all those deleted messages O-o I didn't know you could see those.
Tch, that's messed up. Not like it's bad, but it reminds me of some sort of mutated organ.
My response to that would be my response to him. Seriously though, this color scheme is weirding me out. It looks good, and doesn't kill the...
My only worry then would be about people wondering why Zeni didn't finish it or contribute at all. Because he didn't. That puts me in an awkward...
No way, for serious?! No, you can't be serious. Wait... no I only just noticed.
Yeah, I got 'em this morning- oh my goodness what have you done to your profile? It's all neon-y. Purple much?
In response to your post, I did not use any of Zeni's original review. I understand that he put some time into it, but he chose to quit halfway...
Your Exile review is late - I need to know what's going on with you. Do you still intend to complete it?
To embed a video onto a thread, just copy the youtube link and put it in the URL bbcode. When you do it right, it should look something like...
query_ /what? Is this an infection map or something? Also on your sig I see a similar pattern to your advertizing :D Actually, you know what?...
Very nice looking map, especially at the neon-like ramp tunnels and the natural rock valleys. Get's a little dodgey around the soft kill barrier...
Don't think I've forgotten about all those posts of mine that you edited. ಠ_ಠ