Looks good enough, the only problem I can see is people falling off the edge while in combat. Besides that, I don't see much a problem to it. 8...
At least, it looks like a good infection map. At most, I could imagine 4 humans fending off 12 zombies through the chasms of this **** Zombies...
I love how it gives players the difficulty that they want to work with. What I think might be the smallest flaw is that it requires the honor...
I've tried to come up with a strategy type map for Halo, and this is the best I've ever seen. It's nearly impossible to come up with how to get a...
Who doesn't like duckhunt? Even better, who doesn't like the best duckhunt map ever? Usually it doesn't take much Forging Skill to make a Duck...
That looks great, and I love the whole comedy about it, who wouldn't want a zombie takeover inside a giant truck? I think it has some room for...
This map has a beautiful exterior and a clever interior. The ultamite improvement would be to optimize it for battle. But for now I will give it a...
It seems that it would be a very suspenseful infection map, and that's what Infection's all about. But there isn't as good forging overall on this...
Awesome Good job, benjamin king. You've only been here for a little while(just like me), but you've already put forth good maps. I'd like to play...
Ahhh, sixteen players in one big custom game extravaganza. It's the type of thing that rarely happens and is sought after. But even better, a...
Well, it's not like you'll read this reply but...sure I would make a map with you. My gamertag is Benzu13. I guess I'll send you a friend request,...
Of course I'm a noob, otherwise I wouldn't be asking this question. But seriously, I check the updates on this site pretty much every day and see...
Anyone want to join in forge and play custom games and share maps? My gamertag is: Benzu13 and just send me a friend request if you want to see...
I can't download stuff to my computer, so I thought it'd be better to just have it recommended to me via XBOX LIVE. My XBOX LIVE username is:...