You might even want to do away with the complete darkness as it can be frustrating to play in. If you really want it to be dark out then add some...
If you want this map to get attention though, you can put it in the lazy map makers section which has no interlocking and other facy and time...
Instead of making it pitch black right away, you should make it gloomy. Otherwise you find a hole and sit there since you can't see. And its...
But who is right !?...
good map but you can only play through once. is there co-op? maybe a trick could require two people
maybe you could make another game based on the Hot fuzz movie. Could be infection with the townspeople out to get you but they would have guns and...
I like your descriptions and the slideshow. thats the first time ive seen that and there were a lot of action shots. However an overview shot or...
yeah tower is a bland name. Also the weapons seem way too powerful for an indoors map of that size. They need to be spread out with equipment in...
whats a good way to merge things in the sky? Ive tried and its pretty hard to do it well. Usually I place the same item that isnt going to respawn...
one guy passed bye are thread. ALRIGHT! so i guess you gave up on this map then?
too many figgin skybases. Though i guess their worth downloading as they can be amusing and it takes forever to make on yourself. I like the ones...
has bungie announced anything about making it easier to merge and geomerge? Also it would be helpful to have more money and more simple objects...
thats fine i guess you could have said i stole your name. mine is called holdout because there are three areas where you wait a certain amount of...
We will geomerge double boxes so they stick up a foot off the ground only. They will have cracks in between them to look as if the earth has been...
cool map, a little open in the middle but who cares. I guess the outside is supposed to be vehicle controlled which will make for challenging CTF....
i wasnt clear about this so i apologize. if you look at a teleporter you will see a glowing tip swowing the direction its facing. This can be...
i did some fooling around on foundry designer and it looks like if we want to cover the middle of the map it would take up half of our double...
im not a very big fan of using power ups as lights but using the yellow glowing part of a teleporter in the right way cav be very cool. Also from...
looks like a good map and the only problem (nuances) i see is the bumpy floor, which really isnt a big deal at all it just looks nice when its...
alright well i just got back from dinner because her it is 8:30 already. We should come up with some good map ideas to go along with our map...