really good map on ghost town. but how hard was geomerging? thats the first time ive seen that oh ghosttown
really cool but are the weapons in the same place too?
thsi idea seems really weid but it could be fun in the way duck hunting was fun. I thought the name meant it was a glitch to get out of valhalla
sorry i wasn't really thinking. well 150% sounds good but maybe the alpha zombie could have a bit more speed to him
cool medium sized map. reminds me alot of The Pit espesially from the picture below "looking from Courtyard to middle"
very cool spaceship. looks cartoony somehow which i like. I was wondering what was going on in the back of the map as well?
what is the zombie speed set to as this is probably very important?
The map isn't too original i agree but its good to get your first map out and see how you coud improve. How long until version 2? How different...
looks pretty fun and the zombie/human role is reversed.. maybe just the weapons
looks fun and original. wasn't this featured or something, i remember this
for the close quarters I suggest making all grenades spike grenades. that way you have to be precise
bland name, that is my main complaint. I like how balanced things appear now and the degree of pricision you put into it. I will give it a 8.5/10...
Game looks okay though it might need more balancing as things seem pretty uneven at the moment
good ideas and i like the map so i give it a 4/5. But it might be hard for the zombies to realise what to do in order to get to the teleporter....
this should go with the gametypes and also i dont think that it is really worth downloading. Instead of dowloading this just switch primary weapon...
judging by the pictures it looks like a very small map. i like the symmetry but am left wondering where and what the weapons are
very good use of foundry space. Your design makes it seem larger and more interesting. I like the gravlifts that lead to the overshield
I see that its a good map but could it have taken three months to design?
this looks really handy. thanks for the map
pretty good infection maps and im am glad to see the "secret" blocked off parts of the map. good way to make people explore