looks good from the description but i dont think the pictures work
I voted average because this is another tyical infection house with a pool, attic, etc... Though this one does look a bit more open and has some...
i have a map named Tunnel as well. Its in the back halls of Foundry and the humans have lots of snipers. I wish i had pics to see if yours is similar.
More pictures please. But I like the idea of havin most of the battle that isn't on the actual foundry floor since you feel like its on another...
again, not enough pictures. The sniper and laser also look a little too close but maybe this is balaanced by something else
Looks okay though I need more pictures before downloading
I like the design and it looks really competative since both bases are so close. Making the walls curve back over your head instead of making it...
At first I thought that slow movement + battle rifles would mean its unfair but then you said the zombies have poor camo. I'm not sure if this...
looks fun but you also metioned grav lifts. This is a problem since your walls aren't very high and escape would be easy
looks cool. i haven't seen a decent jump map yet
I had thought of making a vending machine before but it was kind of complicated to make. You would push a barrel into a hole near the ground and...
good interlocking and everything. I love the window panels used on the ramp as barriers. can I use this idea?
dont think manypeole will believe this is new york but maybe it gould be done with lazers... didn't godzilla have one that shot out of his mouth?
i like the background that this has and the playability combined with aesthetics. Looking forward to the next map in the pack
not sure if this is serious or not but it would be really hard to pull of the same mix of aesthetics and gamplay on that map due to the items...
looks pretty good but small. i know it supports all gametypes but which are recommended?
fresh idea on a new map, i like it. Worth a download. The boxes that you jump on look deadly
I found this funny. Though you did say that the tests could be easy. Overall it looks pretty fun but it would be better if you didn't give any hints
the idea is good but i dont think it can be done well in halo. All you do is keep pressing B while facing your oponent. Though with more people...
never saw "the mist" but it looks fun even without knowing the backstory. this is similar to the Shaun of the deam map (on the outside at least)