were going over pretty much the same thing. Hate math >:(
Sorry i was just testing others over time and nominated them separately. My apologies
My last nom is Mercury (by Panic45)
you get a custom on it? Id really appreciate some critisism or opinions on the map
I just might break into dance.. Edited by merge: Not sure why people arent taking much interest in this. Not a single nom for it yet... sigh....
I played a custom a while back and i cant scope worth a damn due to the framerate. Dont get me wrong, the detail you put into the crates was...
The maps out. feel free to look at it
My 2nd Nom... (nom,nom) would have to be... Fallback (by I PAINTS I). Love the Layout. Plenty of Fighting space.
Dome (by Cluckinho10)
Just Team slayer? Does free for all not work well with the map, or did u just not bother putting neutral spawns in? Plus throwin an oddbal in...
REVIVAL Revival Gameplay (with download) - YouTube FORGING FLAWS IN VID ABOVE ARE FIXED just so you know... Revival Oddball Gameplay...
IDK if i believe in a god or anything (id like to know there is one though) but theres no sign in my life that tells me so. But yes And afterlife...
:D Possibly the Best BattleShip Play Yet? - YouTube BTW very fun map
This thread is murp. Posting religious stuff over the internet is like asking for war. Believe me ive tried it. Though I am somewhat cristian, i...
ok will do. I have to agree. Placing a rocket launcher there did seem like a death trap to get to..
That Game between the Ravens and Texans went horribly. To be honest, I didnt root for the ravens but thought they shouldve done better, based on...
Ahh... I miss when I was younger... Music Rocked when it was classified as "Rock"... Creed - One Last Breath (Video 2009) - YouTube Matchbox...
cool I'll have to check that out
I really love the reflective walls and pieces that came with the map, just upset that the bland forgeworld pieces dont fit in... I put my faith in...