What happened to this hitting the forums in about 2 weeks? D:
****ing lawl'd so hard when I saw this in game.
Congrats on the blue bro.
Noxi, you have to broaden your 8-bit horizons. Give yourself a big task. Research architecture online and build that ****. Install some mods....
Hold shift. Best advice evar.
That is probably the case. I have no problem sharing whatever song is currently on my iPod or stuck in my head, but chances are I won't listen to...
YouTube - Green Day - Poprocks and Coke
If you can find that link, please do share. I like free stuff.
If what you got out of post was that I was interested in seeing a movie with Owen Wilson, you misread that by a long shot. The last movie he...
Oh yeah, I definitely oversold that one, lol. Way better than The Losers, didn't like that one as much. _______________________________ Just got...
I personally don't use Facebook, but the story behind it, the Social Network was purely fantastic. A must watch, if anyone has yet to see it....
I assume you're asking whether or not the server is running on 1.3 (?)... well that's a yes. There's a whole lot going on right now, but to...
:O just changed my pants a couple times. what are these? and where can i get one?
[img] [IMG] [IMG] Took about 20 minutes to make him. ^_^
noticed it like the third day I played. Apparently by holding down the melee button you 'charge' up your melee. Getting an instant kill almost...
Re-posting a video that nobody seemed to take an interest in the first time, is without a doubt spam. Stop being a ****ing dipshit.
Spam. ikr?
I'd hate to burst your bubble but uhh.... it's been that way? <3
YouTube - Minecraft Note Blocks - Queen Bohemian Rhapsody (Full Version)