Minecraft. I tend to mine on peaceful mode.
May 21 is my brother's birthday. Told him we'll get nice and drunk before the world goes and splodes.
Wasn't as bad as you may have heard; granted I never was a fan of Gears multiplayer but they definitely got their **** together with 3. Yeah.
I agree with this massive wall of text. Well said sir, the lot of it.
I have no air vents. Noticed that almost immediately once I moved into this down-grade bedroom.
I'd first remove all of my clothing and then get in. See if I can't make the situation any less ridiculous.
Irrelevant :P The Gears comment was mainly to reference a recent title that took advantage of the survival type mode. Call of Duty has kept me...
YouTube - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - America Under Siege - Teaser Trailer (OFFICIAL) YouTube - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 -...
LD is beautiful and so is his map.
I think the previous post is ridiculous. Creativity has nothing to to do with aspiring to sign into Xbox Live as Darth Vader and slice up some...
I noticed this years ago, and it is pretty sad. However instead of paying to adopt said tag, I think gamer tags should simply be nulled after an...
Ratchet & Clank. You deserve my love. +Sub'd ^_^
I took an ample amount of time to lol at that.
YouTube - George Carlin - Suicide 2005 (Suicid)[RO SUB][uskro]
I hope it doesn't suck as bad as FC2. The single player at times felt so routine, and the random AI that have protagonist tracking GPS was one of...
Hawt. I want in.
Throw me an invite next time you're on, I'll gladly play a few games.
I prefer my 'All that' with a bag of Cheetos.
oh my dingdingdong
haha yeah I noticed that. Apparently was an event that lasted all morning-afternoon, made the game a pain in the ass not knowing who is who with...