Please post these things in the Minecraft Discussion thread.
I'd be interested in doing this. GT: DunkinMyCookies as long as we all have mics :)
:-) fllr.
Minecraft Christmas ^ [IMG]
I saw that, appreciate bro.
If this was all about the maps I'd say Halo 2, but overall... I think 3 had the best ride; great maps, gameplay was fantastic and some cool things...
YouTube - Video of mad Canada riots: Vancouver fans run amok, set cars on fire‏ lol.
YouTube - consider me miles davis‏
Camo, what's your username?
YouTube - GoO_Server_Update.mpg‏ video by Tender Bisquit
lol Angel was good as well.
(-: fllr.
This country does some stupid ass ****. Stupid bill is stupid. Streaming this kind of content is part of the industry.
Repetitious game play. Playing it on PC? Then cool, you have the option to mod the game to kingdom come, on any other platform the Bethesda games...
Hollywood magic had her looking pretty good, man.
lol, na I wish though. opportunities arise, in many a case I don't have to pay for these outings, who could say no to a free movie?
Basically this. Can undoubtedly say that at least half of the games listed above will win GOTY at some point. So in all fairness, it boils down to...
Thor, X-Men First Class, Transformers 3 were all great films. The Green Lanturn I'd say was okay, never really knew too much going into it but...
Bioshock isn't coming out this year. As for GOTY I have to go with Arkham City. Rocksteady really knows what they're doing with those Batman games.