Oh Blimey! Aye seem to ave misplaced mah pockette protectah. Wown't yew help mey find it ole chap?
I added a spawn roof above each team's firing range. They spawn up there and have two ways to get down: 1. Go down and land in the sheild door...
in case I didn't answer you before, nah my sister does though. I live in tallahassee
sure thing cap'n
sign meh up scotty, I know ur pains.
It's about time. Great job Silence and Blaze! Keep up your awesomeness.
I srsly lol'ed. ^
so long, friend.
good guide! I play on 10 sensitivity now only because of halo 2. It was back in the "superbounce" era lol and I was apart of it. You had to be...
all I can say to this is, I was alive when THE bungie favorites were picked What Once Was
Sex me up and I'll let you eat my cherry pie
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=JUEKFYRB8xAI laughed the entire time lol! This wasn't staged either.
Yea I thought that too.. maybe adding a few more boxes would help. That's my bad lol. Al lthe gametypes are there now. now that you mention...
Thanks that's awesome! and yes we are going for goofy look lol
Me and my friend scorpulus are in the tourny and we need a siggy. I was wondering if any of you artists could make us one? If so that'd be great!...
welcome back, friend. STAY OUT of dah tourny D:! me and Scorpulus will own all :P j/k we like challenges.
I'm making another map similiar to this and it's got the same objective.
The Rocker
yea, stick are right in the middle of the two area to walk around... up against the wall
it's halo 2's gemini all over again! YAY!!! :DDDD