Your names devon?
Come on, i got two people. and you have all the loyals and **** on your list..
Feedback* And tbh, Rogue would be better imo..
That looks amazing, i love the bubble shiels and the black around his body, i reccomend changing the helmet. tht helmet suckls.
amazing shot to.
Hi again lol
Yo, i was lookin at your stas and i like enlightenment or whatever... What did you dooo?
OSHI- forgot, west goes down.. silly donii
. wat
omfg isnt it like 5 were you are?
I neve rsaid anything about the lag, i said it was a guestimate of why it happened..
your such a hard ass. in the screenshot forum your like " None of these are good" even though he just took random pictures from matchmaking..
Oh.. Yeah lmao. Screenshot section yo. i got contests and stuff.
i am?
A Transformer.. you know? the electrical thingies, not an accual transfromer.. They go in cars and stuff.
Thanks for the feedback, ill be sure to get more campaign shots.
i know. lmao
Debree Looks pretty cool. i like how the mauler shot has different clours in it.
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