I played with you in mlg or snipers. one of the two. remember iinoD or no?
I Mean, its cool and all but, why scare the **** out of a fish thats not harminging anyone?
First off Dumbassery isnt a word. Second of all, They're suing the city for leaving an open manhole.. Pay attention dumbass. As for the vid... i...
That stuff is so good.
Good Morning..
Do you sleep?
I dfidnt say anything like that, i gave my oppinion, some of the walls were not the cleanest some bumps, and i said the geomerged dunes didnt play...
Why are you worried About it?
Yeah, And?
I got perm infracted.. And i was joking about the chicago thing, stay here with meee :D
[12:04:13 AM] Donii iinoD: oh my ****ing god. [3:19:50 AM] Donii iinoD: ... [3:19:57 AM] Donii iinoD: Why this time? [3:20:08 AM] Sarge: you...
Yeah, Thats pretty sweet, and i agree about the classified thing, Hes so good.
My friend tyson from hali said he has a bar, and my friend Danny lived like down the street from Classified before he was famous.. And my step...
i like to beatbok y35..
ITS TWO IN THE MORNING LOBSTERFACE!!!!@!2!#@$132~`1132$!@3~3!@#12r5432 tkljb nds LEAV EME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!
Agreed 100%
at master, blur the one on the right a little..