In 3 months: Ranked: 69 Social:39 Total:108
Thats you though.. So this is a lie? Agree'd And Agree'd
[IMG] CLEAN VERSION Making more now, We Could make a service.. Know what i mean, People request we make them?
Because People think it makes you cool, ON TOPIC; Basically What everone said, There going to do something they enjoy, And if thats what they...
Not the cleanest, Needs a name also. [IMG]
Last one is best, Second is Meh, And the first one has a wierd focal, i looks at all the shiny before i accually looked at the odst, A tip is to...
Idont know, Im gunna make some of these and post them, Unless you dont want me too?
For the bird Wreath, You cold name it Brigader General?
Lol, Erects.. I would edit that before more people flame you.. And yeh, thats one flaw, it ALWAYS changes after you take a picture.
If you only live life once, And enjoy gaming, Then there living the live they want to live, Am I right?
Stars beside the bird .. Like in MCPO..
What's up Dood? Mr Bojanglezz, I loved that movie. Bunny Rabbit already told you about the rules so i wont repeat that, soooooo Welcome to...
The city people r on strike, Unless you live in the 'burbs, its always nice there.
Put the bird with the stars in a general wreath, That would look Badass.. Out of these, Chief Commendment or Fleet Admiral
I Heard toronto is pretty stanky.. Thats gotta suckkkkkk
You mean sketch oput pit or gaurdian than look at it and get the RvR and PoV? I was thinking of getting a birds eye view of one of those maps,...
Brilliant idea. Lag. Adds humor.. "a- oo - a-lo-as- gse-g-ah", "your laging" "continues to lag and attempt to speak" "stfu !" something like...
Thanks, You guys should have seen it before i took the picture.. on my tv, it looked so good. But when you take the picture, it goes completly...
What we were aiming for. ): wutaboutme Forgehub Machinima :D